About Lutheranism

About Lutheranism
Photo by Josh Eckstein / Unsplash

What does it means to be Lutheran?

Start with the book Lutheranism 101 which covers the basics about Lutheranism.

Lutheranism 101 - All About Jesus - Concordia Publishing House
Christianity really is all about Jesus. Sound simple? That’s because it is.

For an in-depth exploration, consider reading the Book of Concord, focusing on the Augsburg Confession and its Apology (Defense). The Augsburg Confession is the foundational Lutheran document that articulates our beliefs based on the Scriptures.

The Original Home of the Book of Concord

If you are looking for quick bullet point information, you can start with Luther's Small Catechism. Be aware that the Book of Concord does contain both the small and large catechism text.

You can also read the book "The Spirituality of the Cross" by Gene Edward Veith Jr. which is an easy to read book for new Lutherans and those looking to become Lutheran. You can get it in book, eBook, and find it on Audible.

The Spirituality of the Cross - Third Edition - Concordia Publishing House
The topic of spirituality in Christianity is muddled with mysticism rather than the mysteries of Christ: the Sacraments and His resurrection.

A good video on what Lutherans believe: